大吉祥经The Discourse on Auspices

1.Yaṁ Maṅgalaṁ Dvādasahi, 央 芒嘎兰 度哇拉萨嘿 Cintayiṁsu Sadevakā, 琴达迎苏 萨得哇嘎 Sotthānaṁ Nādhigacchanti, 叟达南 那地嘎见地 Aṭṭhattiṁsañ Ca Maṅgalaṁ. 阿达定三 加 芒嘎兰
1. Men, together with deities, tried to find out for twelve years what blessing was. But they could not find out the blessings which number thirty-eight, that are the cause of happiness. 天神与人类用了十二年的时光去思索“吉祥”的含义,但他们始终找不到三十八个吉祥的因。
2.Desitaṁ Devadevena, 得西当 得哇得维那 Sabbapāpavināsanaṁ, 萨巴巴巴维那萨南 Sabbalokahitatthāya, 萨巴罗嘎嘿他他亚 Maṅgalaṁ Taṁ Bhaṇāma He. 芒嘎兰 当 巴那玛 嘿
2. Oh, Good People! Let us recite those blessings which were taught by the Deity of the Deities (the Buddha) for the benefit of beings and which destroy all evil. 各位善行者,让我们共同念诵此吉祥经,是由天人师(佛陀)所教导,以利益众生与消除一切邪恶。
3.Evaṁ Me Sutaṁ. 嗯宛 美 苏唐 Ekaṁ Samayaṁ Bhagavā 嗯刚 萨玛央 巴嘎哇 Sāvatthiyaṁ Viharati 萨哇地央 维哈拉地 Jetavane Anāthapiṇḍikassa Ārāme. 介达哇涅 阿那达槟立嘎萨 阿拉美 Atha Kho Aññatarā Devatā 阿达 勾 安尼雅达拉 得哇达 Abhikkantāya Rattiyā 阿比甘达亚 拉地亚 Abhikkantavaṇṇā Kevalakappaṁ 阿比甘达哇那 给哇啦嘎邦 Jetavanaṁ Obhāsetvā, 介达哇南 吽巴些土哇 Yena Bhagavā Tenupasaṅkami; 也那 巴嘎哇 迭努巴三嘎密 Upasaṅkamitvā Bhagavantaṁ 乌巴三嘎密土哇 巴嘎宛当 Abhivādetvā Eka-Mantaṁ Aṭṭhāsi; 阿比哇迭土哇 嗯嘎曼丹 阿他西 Eka-Mantam Ṭhitā Kho Sā Devatā 嗯嘎曼当 地达 勾 萨 迭哇达 Bhagavantaṁ Gāthāya Ajjhabhāsi: 巴嘎宛当 嘎他亚 阿加巴西
3. Thus have I heard. At one time, the Blessed One was dwelling at the monastery of Anāthapiˆḍika in Jeta’s Grove near the city of Sāvatthi. Then a certain deity in the late hours of the night with surpassing splendor, having illuminated the entire Jeta’s Grove, came to the Blessed One. Drawing near, the deity respectfully paid homage to the Blessed One, and stood at a suitable place; standing there, the deity addressed the Blessed One in verse: 如是我闻: 一次世尊在舍卫城附近,安住在祗树给孤独园。那时有一位非常貌美的天神,在深夜里,几乎整个祗园精舍被其光芒照亮起来,向着世尊趋近。亲近世尊,行礼后,便在一边站着,天神对着世尊以偈问道:
4.“Bahū Devā Manussā Ca, 巴乎 得哇 玛努萨 咋 Maṅgalāni Acintayuṁ, 芒嘎拉尼 阿琴达用 Ākaṅkhamānā Sotthānaṁ, 阿甘嘎玛那 叟他南 Brūhi Maṅgala-Muttamaṁ.” 布如嘿 芒嘎拉 木达芒
4. “Many deities and men, desiring what is good, have pondered upon just what blessings were. Please tell me what the highest blessing is.” “许多天神及人类, 在沉思关于吉祥, 以祈求安好, 请告诉我吉祥之最。”
5.“1.Asevanā Ca Bālānaṁ, 阿些哇那 咋 巴拉南 2.Paṇḍitānañ Ca Sevanā, 般地达南 咋 些哇那 3.Pūjā Ca Pūjāneyyānaṁ, 布咋 咋 布咋尼亚南 Etaṁ Maṅgala-Muttamaṁ. 嗯丹 芒嘎拉 木达芒
5. “Not to associate with fools, to associate with the wise and to honour those who are worthy of honour. This is the highest blessing. “1.不亲近愚者, 2.与智者亲近, 3.恭敬应当恭敬者, 此乃吉祥之最
6.4.Patirūpadesavāso Ca, 巴地度巴迭萨哇娑 咋 5.Pubbe Ca Katapuññatā, 布贝 咋 嘎达 布尼雅达 6.Atta Sammāpaṇidhi Ca, 阿达 萨玛 巴宁地 咋 Etaṁ Maṅgala-Muttamaṁ. 嗯丹 芒嘎拉 木达芒
6. To live in a suitable place, to have done meritorious deeds in the past, and to keep one’s mind and body in a proper way. This is the highest blessing. 4.住在一个适当的环境里, 5.过去行过善业, 6.自己发愿行正道, 此乃吉祥之最
7.7.Bāhusaccañ Ca 巴乎萨赞 咋 8.Sippañ Ca, 西般 咋 9.Vinayo Ca Susikkhito, 维那由 咋 苏西给多 10.Subhāsitā Ca Yā Vācā, 苏巴西达 咋 亚 哇咋 Etaṁ Maṅgala-Muttamaṁ. 嗯丹 芒嘎拉 木达芒
7. To have much learning, to be skilled in crafts, to be well-trained in moral conduct and to have speech that is well-spoken. This is the highest blessing. 7.博学多闻, 8.多艺精巧, 9.有戒行受过好的训导, 10.善于言语, 此乃吉祥之最
8.11.Mātāpitu-Upaṭ Hānaṁ, 玛达 比度 乌巴达南 12.Puttadārassa Saṅgaho, 布达达拉萨 桑嘎厚 13.Anākulā Ca Kammantā, 阿那谷拉 咋 嘎曼达 Etaṁ Maṅgala-Muttamaṁ. 嗯丹 芒嘎拉 木达芒
8. Caring for one’s mother and father, supporting one’s spouse and children and having peaceful occupation. This is the highest blessing. 11.要护持父母, 12.妻子孩子要爱护, 13.操作没有矛盾的职业, 此乃吉祥之最
9.14.Dānañ Ca 达南 咋 15.Dhammacariyā Ca, 达玛咋立亚 咋 16.Ñātakānañ Ca Saṅgaho, 尼雅达嘎南 咋 桑嘎厚 17.Anavajjāni Kammāni, 阿那哇咋尼 甘玛尼 Etaṁ Maṅgala-Muttamaṁ. 嗯丹 芒嘎拉 木达芒
9. Giving, practice of what is good, support of one’s relatives and blameless actions. This is the highest blessing. 14.布施, 15.奉公守法,行十善业, 16.善于帮助亲人, 17.履行无可责难的行为, 此乃吉祥之最
10.18.Āratī 阿拉地 19.Viratī Pāpā, 维拉地 巴巴 20.Majjapānā Ca Saṁyamo, 玛咋巴那 咋 三尼雅摩 21.Appamādo Ca Dhammesu, 阿巴玛多 咋 达美苏 Etaṁ Maṅgala-Muttamaṁ. 嗯丹 芒嘎拉 木达芒
10. Abstention from evil in mind, abstention from evil in body and speech, abstention from intoxicants and non-negligence in meritorious acts. This is the highest blessing. 18.决心舍离恶念, 19.禁戒身口恶业 20.避免麻醉饮品或毒品, 21.深切专注行善, 此乃吉祥之最
11.22.Gāravo Ca 嘎拉沃 咋 23.Nivāto Ca, 尼哇多 咋 24.Santuṭṭhi Ca 三度地 咋 25.Kataññutā, 嘎达纽达 26.Kālena Dhammassavanaṁ, 嘎类那 达玛萨哇南 Etaṁ Maṅgala-Muttamaṁ. 嗯丹 芒嘎拉 木达芒
11. Respectfulness, humbleness, contentment, gratitude and listening to the Dhamma on suitable occasions. This is the highest blessing. 22.恭敬 23.谦逊, 24.知足 25.感恩及报恩, 26.合时听法, 此乃吉祥之最
12.27.Khantī Ca 甘地 加 28.Sovacassatā, 娑哇咋萨达 29.Samaṇānañ Ca Dassanaṁ, 萨玛那南 咋 达萨南 30.Kālena Dhammasākacchā, 嘎类那 当玛 萨嘎加 Etaṁ Maṅgala-Muttamaṁ. 嗯丹 芒嘎拉 木达芒

12. Patience, obedience, meeting those who have calmed the mental defilements and discussing the Dhamma on suitable occasions. This is the highest blessing. 27.忍辱 28.恭顺, 29.得见圣者或那些已降伏烦恼障的修行者, 30.适时讨论佛法, 此乃吉祥之最
13.31.Tapo Ca 达播 咋 32.Brahmacariyañ Ca, 巴拉玛咋立央 咋 33.Ariyasaccāna Dassanaṁ, 阿立亚萨咋那 达萨南 34.Nibbāna-Sacchikiriyā Ca, 尼巴那 萨及 剋立亚 咋 Etaṁ Maṅgala-Muttamaṁ. 嗯丹 芒嘎拉 木达芒
13. Practice that consumes evil states, a noble life, seeing the Noble Truths and realisation of Nibbāna. This is the highest blessing. 31.自制 32.梵行, 33.澈见圣谛, 34.体悟涅盘, 此乃吉祥之最
14.35.Phuṭṭhassa Lokadhammehi, 布达萨 罗嘎当美嘿 Cittaṁ Yassa Na Kampati, 今当 亚萨 那 甘巴地 36.Asokaṁ 阿娑甘 37.Virajaṁ 维拉将 38.Khemaṁ, 给芒 Etaṁ Maṅgala-Muttamaṁ. 嗯丹 芒嘎拉 木达芒
14. The mind of a person (an Arahant) who is confronted with worldly conditions does not flutter, is sorrowless, stainless and secure. This is the highest blessing. 35.触到俗缘,心仍如如不动(阿罗汉), 36.无忧, 37.无染, 38.安全, 此乃吉祥之最
15.Etādisāni Katvāna, 嗯达地萨尼 嘎土哇那 Sabbattha Maparājitā, 萨巴他 玛巴拉及达 Sabbattha Sotthiṁ Gacchanti, 萨巴他 娑定 嘎前地 Taṁ Tesaṁ Maṅgala-Muttamaṁ. 当 迭桑 芒嘎拉 木达芒

15. Having fulfilled such things as these, beings are invincible everywhere and gain happiness everywhere. That is the highest blessing for them.” (谁)有实现这一切,是处处不败,他们所到处,处处都安好,此乃吉祥之最。”

Maṅgala-Suttaṁ Niṭṭhitaṁ. 芒嘎拉 苏昙 尼地昙
End of Mangala Sutta 吉祥经毕
