礼赞佛宝 Recollection of The Buddha

ITI PI SO BHAGAVĀ 以地 比 叟 巴嘎哇如此乃是世尊 He,the Omniscient Buddha, is a person who is
ARAHAṀ 阿拉汉阿罗汉 Worthy One
SAMMĀSAṀBUDDHO 三玛三布多无上正等正觉者 Fully Enlightened One
VIJJĀCARAṆA SAMPANNO 维加咋拉那三般诺明行具足者 One Fully Endowed with Vision and Conduct
SUGATO 苏嘎多善逝 One who has Gone Rightly
LOKAVIDŪ 罗嘎维度世间解 the Knower of the Worlds
ANUTTARO 阿努达罗 PURISA DAMMASĀRATHI 布立萨 当玛萨拉地无上士 the Incomparable Leader of Men, 调御丈夫 capable of taming all beings
SATTHĀ DEVAMANUSSĀNAṀ 萨他 迭哇玛努萨囊天人师 the Teacher of Deva and Men
BUDDHO 布多佛陀 the Awakened One (the Enlightened One)
BHAGAVĀ 巴嘎哇世尊 the Blessed One


礼赞如来之法宝 Recollection of The Dhamma

SVĀKKHĀTO 苏哇嘎多 BHAGAVATĀ 巴嘎哇达 DHAMMO 达摩善说世尊法 The Dhamma of the Blessed One is Well-Expounded (It is good in the Beginning, in the Middle and in the End)
SANDIṬṬHIKO 三立地果自见的 visible here and now, to be realized by oneself
AKĀLIKO 阿嘎立果无时的 gives immediate result
EHIPASSIKO 以嘿巴西果来见的 worthy of the invitation “Come and See”
OPANAYIKO 吽巴那以果引导向前的 fit to be brought to oneself (onward leading)
PACCATAṀ 巴加当 VEDITABBO 维立达播 VIÑÑŪHĪ 维纽嘿智者 各自 证知的 to be realized by he wise each in his mind


礼赞僧宝 Recollection of The Sangha

SUPPAṬIPANNO 苏巴地般诺 BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA SAṀGHO 巴嘎哇多 萨哇嘎 桑勾善行道的 who undertake the True Way (Noble Way) 是世尊的声闻众 the Order of the disciples of the Blessed One
UJUPAṬIPANNO 乌祖巴地般诺 BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA SAṀGHO 巴嘎哇多 萨哇嘎 桑勾正直行道的 who practised the Straight Way 是世尊的声闻众 the Order of the disciples of the Blessed One
ÑĀYAPAṬIPANNO 尼雅亚巴地般诺 BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA SAṀGHO 巴嘎哇多 萨哇嘎 桑勾真理行道的 who practised the Way to Nibbāna 是世尊的声闻众 the Order of the disciples of the Blessed One
SĀMĪCIPAṬIPANNO 萨密其巴地般诺 BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA SAṀGHO 巴嘎哇多 萨哇嘎 桑勾正当行道的 who practised the Proper Way 是世尊的声闻众 the Order of the disciples of the Blessed One
YADIDAṀ 亚地当 CATTĀRI PURISA YUGĀNI 咋达立 布立萨 由嘎尼 AṬṬHA PURISA PUGGALĀ 阿他 布立萨 布嘎拉 ESA 以萨 BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA SAṀGHO 巴嘎哇多 萨哇嘎 桑勾即 四双 the eight kinds of individuals 八辈 the four pairs of persons 这是 that is 世尊的声闻众 the Order of the disciples of the Blessed One
ĀHUNEYYO 阿乎内由值得供养者 is Worthy of Gifts
PAHUNEYYO 巴乎内由值得供奉者 is Worthy of Hospitality
DAKKHIṆEYYO 达剋内由值得布施者 is Worthy of Offerings
AÑJALIKARAṆĪYO 安加立 卡拉尼由值得合掌敬礼者 is Worthy of Reverential Salutation
ANUTTARAṀ 阿努达朗 PUÑÑAKHETTAṀ 布尼雅给当 LOKASSĀ 罗嘎萨无上的 is an unsurpassed (an incomparable) 福田 field of merit 在世间 for the World
