International Meditation Retreats 2023 July 8 ~ 29
Applications Form and retreats Info:
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Malaysia Khemanandi Meditation Center is organizing a 3 weeks Intensive Meditation Retreats.
This retreat in beautiful Malaysia will offer a place for international meditators to practice according to the instructions given by the most Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw, under the guidance of meditation teachers trained under Sayadaw U Panditabivamsa.

Retreats Schedule:
Checking in 8 July 2023.
8:30pm Opening ceremony.
9th ~ 28th July Intensive meditation practices.
29th July Closing ceremony at 01:00pm
Venue: Khemanandi Meditation Center
Max Participants: 80
Visa Information:
Many foreign travelers do not require a visa to enter Malaysia and may stay up to 3 months. Those who do require a visa may enter on a tourist visa, which is valid for 1 month. For more information please visit
Meditator Requirements:
- Must be proficient enough in English to understand Dhamma talks and interview in English without a translator or translation devise. You’re most welcome if you come with a interpreter.
- Must attend the retreat for one of the specified amounts of time, at least one week.
- lay person, monks and nuns will be accepted on this retreat.
- Must follow 8 precepts and regulations for the duration of the retreat.
- Male and female meditators are asked to wear a modest, plain white shirt and loose-fitting pants. For females, the shirt should be opaque, not have a low neck-line, and should cover the arm until the elbow.
About the accommodations:
- Males and females have separate living quarters and practice separately during the retreat.
- Meditators will stay in group rooms. The group rooms contain bunkbeds, so younger meditators without health problems will be asked to sleep on the top bed, while older meditators or those with health problem will sleep on the bottom bed.
- There is air conditioning in the dormitories and in the meditation hall.
- The center will provide blankets, pillows, laundry soap, and toilet paper. There is no need for mosquito nets.
- All laundry must be washed by hand and line dried.
- Traditional Malaysian food and vegetarian food will be offered with a range of healthy options. Special dietary requests cannot be accommodated.
- All food and accommodations are offered free of charge. Meditators may give donations in support of the Center.
Rules & Regulation
- The retreats is free of charge, no payment is required. All activities sponsored by the Centre. However Dana / donations are welcomed. Any amount are welcomed. If you wish to Dana meals, USD 150 for Breakfast & USD 250 for Lunch.
Yogis’ do donations at the at the center office. Attention Bro Khoo: +60137724388 - During intensive meditation classes, all Participants / Yogis must keep Eight Precepts. NO solid food after lunch. Juice will be provided at 6:00pm and Hot Beverage at 9:00pm
- NO Mobile Phones. All Mobile Phones shall be switched off & handed over to the Organizer for safekeeping so as not to disturb & disrupt the meditation training – the cultivation of faith, efforts, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom.
- Participants / Yogis shall bring own toiletries ie shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste, toothbrush, bath towel, face towels, drinking bottles & other personal daily necessities such as adequate self use or consumed medications.
(However the centre male and female public bathrooms provides shampoo, shower gel, tooth paste and toilet paper) - Center provides quilt, single bed sheet and pillow case.
- Participants / Yogis shall bring own clothing: Suitable long pant/trousers, plain / white T shirt with sleeve. socks, slippers & adequate clothing & warm clothing.
- Participant / Yogis need to do Saliva Test for COVID-19 on 8 July upon arrival. Only Participant / Yogis with negative result are allowed to join.
- The Daily routine are as follow, 04:30 Wake up. 1 hours rest after lunch.
10:00pm Light off - Participant / Yogis shall inform the Organiser if there health problem such as food allergy & gastric problems .
- Upon arrival at the center, please contact Mr Khoo +60137724388
- For Registration, fill up all required details in applications form and email to
- Retreats Centre Address:
Khemanandi Meditation Center Batu 6 3/4, Panchor, Jalan Kluang, 83000 Batu Pahat, Johor. - Any enquiry, Whatsapp
Bro. Khoo : +60137724388
Google Maps: Khemanandi Meditation Center, Sri Gading, 83300 Sri Gading, Johor
How to go to the Khemanandi Meditation Center by bus?
From Kuala Lumpur International Airport / KLIA2 to Khemanandi Meditation Center Batu Pahat Johor.
Upon arrival at KLIA / KLIA2, proceed to ground floor bus station, purchase ticket from YoYo express to Batu Pahat.
Yogis are recommended to contact Mr Mohan: +6011 36006033 or BP counter
+6016 7422525
for transportation arrangements to the center prior to your arrival at Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
建议禅修者与莫汉(Mohan)先生联系: +6011 36006033或BP柜台
+6016 7422525
小车4人座,USD 110。
至7月29日下午1:00pm 结营
- 日常用品:洗发水,沐浴露,牙膏牙刷,毛巾,面巾等,个人日用品或药物。(男女公共盥洗室有公用的洗发水沐浴露和牙膏)
- 禅院提供被子,单人床单,枕头套。
- 穿着:运动长裤,端庄上衣(素色/白衣)
- 自备袜子,水瓶,寒衣
欢迎 随喜赞助护持:
禅院地址:Khemanandi Meditation Center
Batu 6 3/4, Panchor, Jalan Kluang, 83000 Batu Pahat, Johor.
可用Google地图搜索: Khemanandi Meditation Center, Sri Gading, 83300 Sri Gading, Johor.
- 抵达禅院时,请与报到处联系。
- 营员进行冠病唾液检测,检测结果呈阴性,方才进营。
- 为锻炼五根五力,即信心、精进、正念、定力和智慧,学员是不鼓励携带任何书籍,手机
须由主办方保管。 - 上禅修课程及聆听开示时,学员需保持肃静,专心学习。
- 营员需持守八戒,只用早餐和午餐,过午不食。
- 主办方有准备足够的食物和饮品,学员不用带任何零食。傍晚有提供糖水,晚上有热饮。有胃病等特别身体问题的学员,需告知主办方。
- 早上四点半起床;午餐后午休一小时;